Connecticut River Valley BMW Riders, Inc.

Constitution & By-Laws

Article I – Name and Status

Section 1 – The name of this organization shall be the Connecticut River Valley BMW Riders, Inc.

Section 2 – This is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to pursue, promote, and protect the interests of motorcyclists, and, in general, to carry out any acts in connection therewith not forbidden by the laws of the State of Connecticut

Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Qualifications for full membership: any person of good moral character who is acquainted with, agrees with, and is interested in the aims and policies of the organization, and who is willing to abide by these By-Laws may join as a full member.

Section 2 – There shall be an additional class of membership called associate membership. Associate membership status is available to any person who resides in the same household as an active member. Associate members shall have all the rights and enjoy the benefits of a full member, except they shall not receive any published newsletter or other mailing.

Section 3 – Application for membership: an applicant must be recommended by one (1) member in good standing for consideration for membership; a majority vote of those members at the next regular business meeting will confirm the application.

Section 4 – The entire Executive Committee, upon its unanimous vote, has the authority to request the resignation of any member whose deportment it deems detrimental to the welfare, morale, and/or image of the organization.

Section 5 – The membership of this organization will be divided as follows: at least 75% of the membership will be BMW owners (no more than 25% of the membership will be non-BMW owners).

Article IV – Dues

The annual dues for membership will be payable January 1 of each year (with a 60 day ‘grace” period). The annual dues for all classes of membership for the coming year will be set by a vote of the members in accordance with Article VII no later than the November business meeting of each year.

Article V – Elections

Section 1 – The elected Officers of this organization will be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Road Captain, Assistant Road Captain, and Member-At-Large. Only members and associate members may be Officers. The term of each Officer shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31 of the same year, or until his/her successor is elected. A member may be nominated for any number of offices at one time, but may only hold one (1) office.

Section 2 – Annual elections will be held in November. Nominations and elections will be conducted by an Election Committee appointed by the Executive Committee. The election proceedings shall be adhered to as laid out in Addendum I to these By-Laws, “Procedures Governing the Election Process.” The members of the Election Committee will not be eligible for nomination or election at the election they administer.

Section 3 – Nominations may be made at any time prior to voting. Only those nominations made at the October business meeting will be printed on the ballot which will be used at the November business meeting.

Section 4 – Voting will be by paper ballot. In the event that the vote is for a slate of officers, a show of hands will be acceptable in lieu of a paper ballot. Members unable to attend the November election may send in a write-in ballot to the Election Committee prior to the meeting.

Article VI – Officers

Section 1 – The Elected Officers of the organization will constitute the Executive Committee, with the addition of the immediate past President, ex officio, for one term.

Section 2 – The duties of the President shall be:

– to preside at all business meetings of the organization,

– to have general supervision of the affairs of the organization,

– to appoint a member to fill an unexpired term on the Executive Committee. Such person, not having been elected, shall not be a voting member of the Executive Committee.

– to appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the organization,

– to personally represent the organization on proper occasions and with business contacts,

– to institute an annual audit of the Treasurers’ books at the end of the fiscal year, a summary of which audit to be presented at the first meeting of the new year. The audit is to be performed by a qualified person not serving in any other official capacity within the organization, appointed by and reporting to the Executive Committee,

– to vote only when necessary to break a tie, and

– may have up to $200 per year of discretionary spending available for appropriate purchases without further approval.

Section 3 – The duties of the Vice-President shall be to perform the duties of the President in his absence, and to assist the President in all of his/her duties. The Vice-President shall be the Chairman of the Good and Welfare Committee.

Section 4 – The duties of the Secretary shall be:

– to keep a record of the meetings of the organization,

– to send out notices of special meetings,

– to handle all correspondence for the organization,

– to perform such other duties as generally fall to that Office, and

– may have up to $100 per year of discretionary spending available for appropriate purchases without further approval.

Section 5 – The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

– to collect dues from all members,

– to collect all other monies due the organization,

– to make payment from organization funds when so ordered by the membership, except for payments of over $500.00, which additionally requires the written approval of the President,

– to establish and/or maintain a bank account in the name of the organization,

– to present a written monthly financial report at regular business meetings, and

– may have up to $100 per year of discretionary spending available for appropriate purchases without further approval.

Section 6 – The duties of the Road Captain shall be:

– to plan club tours, runs, activities etc.,

– to promote interest in activities,

– to assist in handling organizational socials, parties, and other functions,

– to encourage all rules of group riding, and

– to select assistants to aid in special tasks.

Section 7 – The duties of the Assistant Road Captain shall be to perform the duties of the Road Captain in all of his/her duties.

Section 8 – The duties of the Member-At-Large shall be to bring to the attention of the Executive Committee interests and issues of members and associate members of the organization.

Article VII – Meetings

Section 1 – The rules contained in the Modern Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.

Section 2 – There will be at least three (3) but no more than nine (9) regularly scheduled business meetings per year. There will be no meetings in July, August, and December.

Section 3 – A quorum of ten (10) members including at least one officer will be required to conduct business.

Section 4 – A majority vote of all members present and voting will be required for passage of all business resolutions.

Section 5 – There will be no proxy voting in this organization.

Article VIII – Amendments

Section 1 – Any member of the organization in good standing may submit a proposal to amend and/or repeal these By-Laws.

Section 2 – These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote using currently available technology or by a two-thirds vote of members present at any business meeting of the organization at which a quorum is present and where prior notice of the amendment was given to all members at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

Article IX – Dissolution

If at any time in the future the active membership decides to disband the organization, all tangible assets of the organization such as property, monies owed the organization, all monies in savings or checking account or other form of value, will be converted to cash. All outstanding debts will be paid, and the net proceeds will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

(rev 1/99, 6/23)

Addendum I to the By-Laws

Procedures Governing the Election Process

1. An Election Committee (EC) will be appointed at or prior to the September business meeting. All nominations shall be directed to the EC from this point onwards.

2. The EC will submit all nominations it receives to the Executive Board for distribution to the members using currently available technology at least 2 weeks prior to the November meeting.

3. Nominees may submit campaign articles to the Executive Board for publication on the website, if they so desire.

4. A member may submit their vote by email or with the Contact Us page on the website at least 24 hours before the November meeting, if they so desire.

5. The EC will be responsible for email ballots and supply of secret paper ballots at the November business meeting.

6. Late nominations are permitted at the November business meeting. However, no campaign speeches will be allowed.

7. Secret votes will be cast by all members present at the November business meeting, and collected and subsequently counted by the EC in seclusion. Article V – Elections, Section 4 will govern the need for secret ballots.

8. The President’s secret ballot will only be opened by the EC in the event of a tie.

9. The President will announce the results of the election to the membership.

Addendum II to the By-Laws – 6/25/2023

1. Article VI – Officers – Discretionary spending has been added for the President, Secretary and Treasurer.

2. Article VI – Officers, Section 5:  This article was previous stated as – to make payment from organization funds when so ordered by the membership, except for payments of over $500.00, which require the written approval of one (1) other officer.

3. Article VII – Meetings, Section 3: This article was previous stated as – A quorum of fifteen (15) will be required to conduct business.

4. Article VIII – Amendments, Section 2: This article was previous stated as – These By-Laws may be amended at any business meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote, provided that previous notice of the amendment was given to all members at the previous meeting.

5. Procedures Governing the Election Process, 2.: This article was previous stated as – The EC will submit all nominations it receives to the newsletter editor in time for the November issue.

6. Procedures Governing the Election Process, 3.: This article was previous stated as – Nominees may publish campaign articles in the November newsletter, if they so desire.

7. Procedures Governing the Election Process, 4.: This article was previous stated as – A mail-in ballot will be included in the November newsletter for those unable to attend the election.

8. Procedures Governing the Election Process, 5.: This article was previous stated as – The EC will be responsible for mail-in ballots and supply of secret ballots at the November business meeting.