Club Affiliations – AMA: Club #05636 • BMW MOA: Club #164 • BMW RA: Club #45 •

Connecticut River Valley BMW Rider’s, Inc.

CRVBMW – a club dedicated to those who enjoy riding and the opportunities it provides.

Welcome and we’re glad that you are interested in becoming a member of the CRVBMW motorcycle club.
Our club, organized in 1986, is primarily a social club whose members are a diverse group of active men and
women with a love of motorcycle riding, travel and adventure. Our members range in age from their 20’s to their
80’s. While most members are experienced and excellent riders, novices and new riders are encouraged to join, for
both riding companionship and technical assistance.

As our name suggests, we stress owning a BMW motorcycle, however, anyone who rides (and is licensed
to ride) a street-legal motorcycle, is welcome to apply for membership. Currently, our club members own and ride
other European brands as well as Japanese and American made bikes. CRVBMW is incorporated as a nonprofit
(social status) organization and we are chartered by the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (BMW MOA), BMW Riders
Association (BMWRA) and the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA).

Our club organizes a number of events every year. These include, but are not limited to a catered picnic
each September and a winter banquet, usually held in January or February. Our Road Captains and other members plan, lead
and host opportunities for day gatherings, weekend trips and campouts.

To keep members aware of the opportunities for rides and other activities, we maintain a CRVBMW
website ( The website may also be used for advertising personal motorcycles and parts
for sale or wanted and for announcements of interest to the membership.

The club meets monthly (except for July, August and December) at different locations across the State of
Connecticut, usually on the third Saturday or Sunday of the month. The focus of our meetings is social and to share
stories and riding opportunities with each other. Business portions of the meetings are kept as brief as possible.
Meeting attendance is suggested, but not mandatory.

As a prospective member, you are asked to attend the first scheduled meeting after applying for
membership. This allows you to get to know us and us who you are. Yearly dues (currently at $30 for Full
Members) help defray costs of the many services we provide and the subsidized events which we produce.
Associate memberships are available to other family members living in the same household for an additional
charge of $20 each.

There are many opportunities to join in, have fun, ride our bikes and promote the sport of motorcycling!
Please complete our application either online or mail it with a check to the address listed. Do it today. In our
opinion, you couldn’t make a better decision.